Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Aspect of the Macro

With the recent improvements to Aspect of the Viper (http://wotlk.wowhead.com/?spell=34074), mana regen will become less of a burden to your wallet, and more of a time out from dps.

Basically the changes made will lead to this

/cast Hawk
/shot rotation
/shot rotation
/cast Viper
/rapid fire
/cast hawk

At a cost of DPS, your mana bar will basically go in reverse. Right now, I'd be regenerating 150-250 mana per shot. PER SHOT. Although damage is reduced by 50% for the duration of viper, thats not too bad considering it shouldn't be on very long.

I know hunters have been whining for energy since the beginning of (WoW)time, and I used to be all for it. I have changed my stance though. All classes should have energy/rage/runic power. Why? Mana has become obsolete. It's basically just a money sink (chain potting) and a guage for how undergeared you are. If you're too undergeared to heal a tank, you'll be casting more. As a healer that leads to mana depletion and no more heals.

It's a little late in the game to redo the mana pool system. Changing it now would result in a complete reworking of class mechanics across the board. But maybe the introduction of new classes, talents, abilities, and (hopefully) hero classes will change that.

-Huntard out.

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