Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A little off topic - What to do next?

Ever get the feeling you have too much and nothing to do at the same time? Well I'm having that feeling right now.

I recently got my epic flyer (wewt) with some help from some very kind guildies. My goal for right now is to farm/daily their payment back.

I've been trying to think of my next move for my main after that's done though. Here's some things I need to do

- S3/s4 helm (depending on what arena team I find myself in)
- Finish chanting all my gear
- finish off my badge gear (axe, legs, boots)
-Find a new trinket (either hourglass or bloodlust)
- Finish leveling my shammy to 70 (and get him geared/raiding)
- Replace all green and blue gems for sso epics.

There are so many things to do, but so little time, I end up finding my self sitting in shatt or stormwind and not doing anything. Just getting the dailies (shatt and sso) can take up 1.5 hours, not to mention attending raids i've signed up for.

Maybe I just need to relax on my main, switch over to my shammy for abit. The one thing I need to avoid is getting burned out on my main, or "working" in wow.

Lich king can't come fast enough imho. Chimeras ftw.

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